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Free Archetype Quiz

Outsmart Your Ego!

Get on the right path to higher levels of self awareness,
fear eradication and abundance! 
You are the powerful creator of your life and are meant

So what's holding you back? Find out what gets in your way.
Start by discovering what your Egoic Archetype is by taking my FREE PERSONALIZED QUIZ! 


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Community & Education

Sovereignty & Markets

Part of up-leveling your emotional IQ also comes with other elevations as well. One being financial literacy, sovereignty, decentralization and stepping into a higher frequency. I started a journey of learning how to build my wealth by day trading, investing in higher knowledge of money energy and crypto. Join me in our FREE WealthFlow community to learn more. HERE

Prosperity and Freedom

Free Masterclasses

So many clients of mine desire more freedom...of time, money, and choice. They want to evolve, master their emotions and ego, and quantum leap their manifestations. I offer various masterclasses where you can dive deeper with transformational interactive online experiences! 

Register for the next one HERE or 

watch replays in my BraveU app

One-on-One Call With Jena

Schedule Power Hour

When you feel stuck in a rut or sitting on a plateau, sometimes the best thing to do is lean on a mentor that can quickly reframe, advise or offer perspective so you can gain clarity and direction...FAST!!! Join me on a zoom call to do just that. One session. One hour. Massive breakthrough! Click HERE to schedule. 

Hi, I am Jena.

I'm a Consciousness Alchemist, Emotional Mastery & Manifestation Mentor, and International Speaker for high achieving individuals, celebrities, and CEOs...AND the Creator of The 14 Ego Tricks, 4 Egoic Archetypes & Detachment Method.

I love helping you get radically brave in your life, career and/or business by cracking open the nuances of the ego mind which keeps you playing small and "safe" so that the infinite expanded self can be in the driver’s seat. A successful outcome requires self leadership, manifestation mastery, emotional IQ, and being a BRAVE MASTER! Although I provide clients with result-driven self-mastery strategy, it’s insufficient for permanent change to occur if we don’t also outsmart our egos!

If you're struggling to break through plateaus...time to break the pattern cycle. 

If you find yourself dealing with less than desirable circumstances or results... time to change your point of attraction. 

If you know you want more, yet not clear as to how to get it or why it hasn't happened yet...time to define who you have to become to have it.

Let's Connect!

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Transformation, Manifestation & Emotional Resilience Activation

The most powerful thing we can do for personal growth is work with someone that can see our blindspots. I love helping people break pattern cycles, step into higher potential, and elevate their consciousness so that they can have more of what they want faster - I listen to what is said behind the words and then intuitively respond. Prosperity, achievement, success and ascension begin with facing self, remembering the powerful creator that you are, and choosing new behaviors and inspired actions. Let's discover what code needs cracked so you get the results you want now. 

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Podcasts & Speaking

Inspirational Story | Raise Prosperity Consciousness | Transform Lives

There use to be a time where sharing my story really scared me. It was hard to be so vulnerable. Now I know it's the only way to connect to the humanness of all. Below is my current speaker sheet. If you would like to impact your audience positively through story telling, perspective shifting and transformational action oriented concepts, reach out so we can discuss whether or not I am a good fit for your experience. 

View Speaker Sheet

The Ego Shift Experience

Course + Collective Group Coaching + VIP Upgrades

It's time to take off the mask of the ego and transform your reality!

When you're connected and aligned with your higher self, which I call your Essence, and can discern the crazy voices going on in your minds (you know the ones...the crazy "what if", fear driven, egoic chatter versus the peaceful, all-knowing higher self voice) then you begin to live a life of higher purpose, flow, and PROSPERITY CONSCIOUSNESS.

This course and collective group mentorship will guide you through the critical steps to discover what drives you, what you REALLY want in your life, business/career, and how to actualize it now!

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Let me share in your story so I can show you how to truly expand...

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Don't Forget To Take The Quiz:
What Is Your Egoic Archetype?

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